Leading the next generation of leaders is at the heart of our church. The ability to speak to our young people in a way that provides clarity and focus on their purpose in God is a priority for us.
We value the relationship we have with parents, the primary influence in a child’s life. It is our joy to come alongside you, as we help to strengthen and build a future for your youth that has Jesus Christ at the center. We are one small piece of a much bigger puzzle, The next generation is filled with purpose, direction, hope, and identity in Jesus.
First Friday - 第一金曜日
A night of fun for you and your friends! Hope Alive @ 7 – 8:30
Picnic in the Park- 公園でピクニック
Friends, Food, and Frisbee! Koku-koen Park @ 1 – 4
Let’s Speak English -英会話
A time to invite others into our community! Propei Dori @ 1 – 2:30
Fall Festival-秋祭り
Opportunity to serve at Hope Alive October 26th 14:30-17:30
ホープ・アライブ教会で、お手伝いをしてくださる方を募集します。10月26日 14:30-17:30